the Raccoon

A few weeks ago we were driving and I saw a dead Raccoon alongside the road and these words came out of my mouth, “See the Raccoon, they’re just made the same way we are.” Are they? It is indeed most amazing to see the skeleton and the organs of the Raccoon……….. Pictures are included for your examination. I am not exaggerating when I say ……… identical. If you say, “How about that tail?” I’d say, “You got me there” 🙂

Have you ever been to a talk by a young mother with terminal cancer? You and I walk out of such an experience and hang on every word we heard. Spending time with your children and family is the most valuable thing in life, is what she said. You and I promise to change things around and prioritize spending time with loved ones. Have you been to a visitation/funeral of a teenager? The same thing happens, doesn’t it? You and I walk out and make the same promises.

Do you and I ever stick to our promises of re-prioritizing?? NOPE. We get busy and we forget……. If only we’d have a reminder to jerk our memory and heighten our senses to the experience with the young mother with terminal cancer or at the funeral of the teenager…….. Only if…….

Who has not seen a dead Raccoon on the side of the road? When we see it, reactions may vary from; looking away, to disgusted, to absolutely no reaction at all. But do you or I ever think to ourselves this dead Raccoon, this bloating Raccoon this torn Raccoon is just like me??   JUST LIKE ME.

Oh so fragile, oh so brittle, oh so breakable………… the same can happen to me……….. I can go kaput annnnnny time. But we claim that it is depressing to think of dying. But wait a minute. Why did the talk of the young mother with terminal cancer and the funeral of the teenager prompt me to determine to re-prioritize my life……….. Isn’t it because I felt that the same can happen to me!!!!  I was not depressed when I had these thoughts, I actually decided on a major GOOD change in my life that I did not carry through. Therefore, thinking of my fragility and reminding myself that I could die now, is actually a GREAT motivator and promotes GOOD decisions and a constant reminder may remind me to hang onto my GOOD decisions and actually implement them………….

So when you see a dead Raccoon alongside the road; first, think the Raccoon is made just like me. As it is indeed a very humbling thought. Second, I am made as fragile and breakable just like this Raccoon. Third, since I may not be on this earth tomorrow, what it is that I can do today, NOW, in light of this knowledge. The next time you see a dead Raccoon, let it be the measure of how you are doing sticking to your GOOD decision of re-prioritizing your life.

Remind me my Lord and my Creator of how you’ve made me physically just like this Raccoon, and may that continue to be a humbling thought to bring me closer to You and reminds me to LOVE those around me not just in words, but by giving them more of my time as time is my most valuable possession. I love You and I thank You. Amen.

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