the purpose – a Bible study

This a study written in October 2018. There are videos that will be posted, each to go along with the chapters. The videos are not a must but a good accompaniment to the study, and vice versa. Feel free to download this study as it is free to anyone that would like to use it.

The back cover reads as follows;

Take me for example; my doctor says I am developing diabetes. Basically told

me that if I start eating healthy and exercise, then I can avert the progression

of what I have and there is a very good chance that I would keep the diabetes

at bay. Or, I can start a daily medicine regiment and not worry too much

about what I eat or exercising. Either way the diabetes is lingering there.

So in reality I have a choice; I can live my life as I have been living it. Not

change anything, and I am still good. Why? For I have the medicine…………….

I will go out and pretty much eat what I want. Take my medicine and act as if

I am cured……….. but am I?? Hope you agree with me when I say, “No I am

not. Absolutely not, not even one bit!” But I am acting as if I am.

But wait a minute……….. why did I not choose the exercise and healthy

eating?? Well, it is too much work…….. The diabetes will always linger there

and besides…… have you forgotten……….. I’ve got the MEDICINE.

So us Christians behave in the same way. We have sin in our lives but we

have salvation, so we do not bother with the healthy eating and exercising. It

is too much work to do that…………… and besides, we have the

medicine……..we Christians have the cure……….. there is no need to monitor,

to improve, to exercise or to eat healthy.

And that is how the world sees us Christians, and of course the world thinks

that’s how Christianity is. We are giving Jesus a bad rap.

If you are honest with yourself, and see the relevance of this example, this

book is a discussion and hopefully a process through which you and I may

choose the healthy eating and exercising in our journey of faith, so that we

would indeed reflect Christianity and we would give Jesus a good

representation and not a bad one.

Designed as a Bible Study to examine how we presently carry out our

Christianity and how we can carry it out.

Intro Video;

Session 1 video;

Session 2 video;

Session 3 video;

Session 4 video;

Session 5 video;

Session 6;

Session 7 video;

May this study or any other study bring you closer in your relationship with the Lord. Amen.

prepare an army!

(3.5 min read) Start with the imagery of a Bassett hound. What do you see? You walk by and there, a dog’s nose stuck to the ground sniffing and sniffing and sniffing. Right? Some may shake their head and walk away. Some may not even notice that the hound is literally glued to the ground. But how many marvel at the keen sense of smell this dog possesses?? How about the patience and the methodical ways about the Bassett hound; searching and searching and searching! Do you marvel?

Should one marvel, wonder, be in awe?                

But how much can you admire about a Bassett hound sniffing??

How about your body working like a Bassett hound!? Should you marvel at your body? Especially in the beginning of 2021 with literally the world, as in the Globe, the Earth, is vaccinating or intending to vaccinate some 7 Billion people!!  Just listen to this sentence……. Vaccinate some 7 Billion people!!

You take this tiny injection (0.02 oz / 0.5 mL) into your arm,
                into a muscle not even into your blood stream

Your blood circulating inside its vessels through that muscle
                                thanks to the technology of said vaccine
                                                It starts to get absorbed into your blood stream
                                                   (In recognition of Katalin Karikó’s efforts in mRNA technology)

Now comes the Bassett hounds of your immune system
                                called lymphocytes, there are several types,
                                                they are simply specialized White Blood Cells
                                                                made by your immune system to DEFEND you

As we’ve all learned, a virus is an antigen, typically a protein
                                it is a foreign object to your body and will take over your cells

A virus replicates oh so very quickly as in the millions
                                it forms LITERALLY an army of millions and millions

Our Bassett hounds are not lollygagging around singing kumbaya
                                they must be constantly sniffing around, CONSTANTLY
                                                friend or foe…….. friend or foe…… friend or foe

You know how in American Football there are ‘Special teams’? Same with our Immune System!
                                a virus a foreign body an antigen has to have a Special Team
                                                antibody to counter-attack it

So the Bassett hounds of your body continue to sniff and sniff and sniff……
                                Just in case, sniff and sniff and sniff

Then the Basset hound howls screams cries out ever so loudly
                                “Give me more lymphocytes much more”
                                                Let’s make those antibodies to ward off this invasion

Immune System hollers back, “Give me a minute….. gotta figure out a Special Team for this one!”

And the Bassett hound replies as it howls and howls, “I ain’t got time…… I ain’t got time…..
                                this is a real bad one…. I ain’t got time”

Are you marveling yet as to what is happening in your body!?

Is this worth appreciating and in actuality acknowledging how wonderfully and fearfully you are made??

The vaccine simply prepares the Special Teams, prepares an army, the antibodies, within you to ward off that menace of a virus. So if and when it attacks, your Special Teams, already practiced this one single play, will catch the punt on the one yard line and take it all the way down the field for a touch down. Can you see them cheering, jumping, hollering, smiling. “We’ve prepared well didn’t we!’”

“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
                Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Oh how often “I know it full well” but I am not in awe of it, I am not amazed by it, I am not astounded by it, I am not astonished by Your works my Lord and my Creator. This vaccine and how it works in my body is nothing but a small reminder that I need to seek what I already know about my body, what I already know about the environment, the Earth, the Space around us, and use every single one of these, every chance I get in every dat of my life, to in actuality, like for real, be in awe like be really in awe and marvel at Your Creation my Lord. Thank You for who You are. I love You. Amen.


(3.5 min read) Do you know the story of Solomon and the two women fighting over the one child as each’s own son? One aspect of the story is to show Solomon’s wisdom that the Lord has just granted him just a few verses earlier. We’ll touch on another aspect a bit later.

I would imagine, that like me, your response is “Awwwww the real mother wanted the child alive so she chose to give her own son up to the other woman rather than see her child die split in half.”

But can you really relate to this story? Can you actually put yourself in the shoes of the actual mother?

                GIVING UP YOUR OWN SON!!! …………………. And why??

                                Cause someone else, the other woman has alleged that it is her own child!?

Why is the ‘other’ woman making such allegation??
She just lost her own son! He was smothered and died…… How would you describe her?

Devastated…. Angry….. Shocked…… Overwhelmed……. Stunned

There is no proof or DNA tests available so we have two sides of the story and Solomon has to either believe one or the other!!!

Consider you and I right now…….. today……. We are faced with allegations of widespread election fraud. One side says “Look, here are the State election results. The winner is clear!”

And the other side says “No, no, no, ‘they’ cheated, it was rigged. In reality we won by a landslide, ‘they’ have stolen the election! It is not fair.”

What would Solomon do right now???

The sad thing is, you and I are Solomon right now……… It would have been easier if a man of God entrusted with the Lord’s wisdom would just decide that we’d ALL have confidence in, but there is no such person right now that we ALL have confidence in.

But we are indeed presented with two scenarios;

  1. Facts
  2. Allegations of the facts in #1 are lies

For over two months the allegations have had their day in court, through 6 States, all the way to the Supreme Court….. twice. And ALL courts have rendered decisions that these are just allegations.

Why are so many people still supporting the allegations??? Actually, putting all of their faith into for behind allegations???

The answer, in the words of those loudly opposing the election results; “Due to the unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, we must object to the 2020 election results!”

Solomon listened to the mother saying; “He will not be mine or yours. Cut him in two!”

I am asking you, yes you, to stand there with me in the crowd around Solomon. Do you hear the passion avid fervent eager voice of that mother!?

Solomon listened to the mother saying; “Don’t have him killed. Give it to her!”

I am asking you, yes you, to stand there with me in the crowd around Solomon. Do you hear this mother’s tear-filled weak feeble defeated voice of this mother giving up her son!?

Would you, the Solomon of today, accept allegations simply based on the louder brasher hastier voice??

Would you just say “there’s just too much unprecedented allegations of fraud!?”
Remember, they still are just allegations. Louder does not make them real…..

Two months so many judicial processes so many different States………. And they are still just allegations

What will you, today’s Solomon, award the child to!?

Remember, at the beginning, Solomon’s wisdom was one aspect of the story? The second aspect is;

1Kings 3:16 Then two women who were prostitutes came to the king and stood before him.

Other translations use ‘harlots’ instead of prostitutes.

Why do you think in such a sensitive story does the Bible bring in ‘prostitutes’ to contest in front of the Judge instead of just ‘two mothers’?

Lord God Creator Maker Father, I humbly ask that as I worship you and seek you for guidance as well as seek you for justice, that I realize that I myself prostitute myself for this and for that purpose. Yes, I do for my idols are everywhere and I do lend myself to them. Yet, You my Lord take me in hold me tight and love me and accept me REGARDLESS. Help me Lord lessen the idols in my life. I love You and thank You for Your forgiveness and Your love. Amen.

absolutely my right

(2.5 min read) “It is indeed my God given right”. Wouldn’t you agree that this is our American way! We live in a free country, thank You God, where we have rights and we have the God given right to exercise such rights. American as apple pie, correct?

Who is exercising that right?

Who did God give that right to?

Who will benefit from exercising that right?

Who is angry if the right is, or perceived as, not exercised?

The answer to all these questions of course is ME.

You’ve heard it said and it sounds arduous, but we have to ask it again; is “it is indeed my God given right” a representation of the Biblical way or the American way?

“Why are you pitting these two as adversaries Reda? Aren’t they one and the same!?”

Well, if we agree that ‘My God Given Rights’ are all about ME!

Then the question that begs itself to be asked is; “Is the Bible teaching me how to care, protect, promote, worry, uphold, defend, support ME!?” Or is the Bible continually asking, even begging, me to care, protect, promote, worry, uphold, defend, support OTHERS!?”

“Well Reda, you said it yourself; it is through me fighting for my rights and preserving my rights that I get to care, protect, promote, worry, uphold, defend, support OTHERS!?”

Again, I will point out the four questions at the top and who’s emphasis ‘My Rights’ is on??

Is the path that God is trying attempting tirelessly teaching me through the Bible is to seek routes to;

Seek my rights first as they will ultimately be best for the grander purpose?


Personally care, protect, promote, worry, uphold, defend, support OTHERS!? Without the worry fear concern apprehension of the grander purpose?

Do you foresee the Lord God saying; “you take care of the now and I’ll take care of the then?”

I know I know this sounds so PASSIVE and SUBMISSIVE and these two words are sooooo Un-American!!

Are you saying Reda that in America I should have no rights!?

On the contrary, I am saying, let me be in the now. Protect, in the now, OTHERS rights and not MY rights! In the now, help the abused harmed ill-treated impaired battered struggling disadvantaged to have THEIR rights to a restored life, instead of defending MY rights.

Read the above paragraph once again. On the contrary, …………….. instead of defending MY rights.

Doesn’t that sound more like what Jesus would say!? Or what Jesus would ask me to do!?

In human history much has been done with the “Grander Purpose” as the driving motive.

In every step I take I need to prayerfully ask myself; “Is me building for the grander purpose, Your will Lord for my life? Or do You Lord want me to shed away all my worries and my fears about tomorrow, and just work with You in the now?” And this is indeed my prayer for today. Amen

take joy

(2.5 min read) Yes, take joy! In what? When half of the country is sad and the other half is jubilant! Take joy in what?

That is the point my friend, for it is in this moment that both halves do have something in common, something so closely in common to unite the two halves. What is that you ask?

We ALL showed up and voted. MORE THAN EVER BEFORE.

You and I can be at the ball park cheering for opposing teams;

I would be madly frustrated if my team is trailing. Then you become equally deeply infuriated if your team is trailing. If your team wins, you will be jubilant and I will be very sad. But we walk out of the ball park together side by side. I do not despise you loathe you or hate you.

“Man, I cannot believe we won”, you’d say, “It was such a close game.”

And I respond, “It was a close and good game indeed.” I am not happy saying it as my team lost, but I am in no way shape or form mad at you.

In this present stadium, half are dressed in Red and the other half dressed in Blue. It seems right now that, ‘In this Stadium’ the Blue team is projected the winner.

So, why don’t we walk out of the stadium, of course still half of us jubilant and half of us sad, but let us agree that in this contest that we just witnessed that ………………

                            America won…………… How is that??

Be proud of your sisters and brothers showing up at the stadium in record numbers for BOTH sides.

We ALL need to be very proud honored pleased with the turn out for this contest, on BOTH sides.

Some will be joyful in the outcome. Some will have sorrow in the outcome but the prayer is that we take solace in the fact that We ALL Americans showed up on BOTH sides and the contest was ever so close. But as for all contests, one wins and one loses.

Remember;  Record numbers showed up on BOTH sides.
This is indeed something to
                                STOPTAKE NOTE OFAnd celebrate
                                                Regardless of who won

You know what else we do…….. we take off our Blue and Red jerseys

My God and my Lord, we know that one can have jubilance or sorrow in earthly matters, and although it may seem as if this stuff is a matter of life and death, we do know very well that it is earthly matters, and therefore I ask that our hope in You is the only thing that matters. And may each one of us treat our sisters and bothers of America in the ways You desire for us ALL to treat one another. I thank You and love You my Creator. Amen.

the unborn

(4 min read) Calling for an end to abortion! Let’s be honest, is this not the goal?? To champion the unborn life. Defend the unborn as the unborn is frail vulnerable feeble and helpless.

Every word listed up here is true valiant noble and heroic. Yes, it is.

How one goes about the application of above statement varies quite vividly.

Did you know that abortion had to be illegal before it became legal???

When did the law in the United States of America illegalize abortion?

USA census in 1870 population roughly 38.6 Million (38,555, 983)

USA Census in 1880 population roughly 50.2 Million (50,189, 209)

Wow, grew by 30% in 10 years. That many babies born!? No, immigration.

In 1870 abortion was and has been happening as it was not illegal.

By 1880 abortion was illegal.

How did you know Reda that abortion was happening in 1870???

Come on now, do you think 38 States by 1880, one by one ruled abortion illegal because there was no abortion happening???

Or do you think there was enough abortion happening that drove State by State to illegalize abortion???

How many unborn were killed Reda in 1880??

No one really knows how many unborn were destroyed, other than estimates of course.

Whether it is how many abortions in the mid 1800’s or before, when abortion was not illegal, or how many abortions when abortion became illegal in all 38 States by 1880,  or the CDC figures that has been tabulated since the late 1960’s or the figures published by independent sources in 2020………

It is all figures of the death of an unborn.

Abortion is; the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.

What’s the point here Reda???

Jesus tended to answer a question with a question quite frequently. So to follow His example;

Are you really calling for an END to abortion??
Or are you calling for means to reduce the numbers of abortions??

I myself will ALWAYS work at means methods ways approaches to reduce the numbers of abortion. Yes indeed, there are MANY ways to reduce the numbers of abortions. For example, even with abortion being legal, how many programs are out there, how many counselors are out there, how many you name it are out there, to educate guide advice counsel a woman ready to have an abortion that she should seriously consider NOT to have that abortion?? How many??

Aren’t every one of these acts; championing the life of the unborn??

But ways and means vary, and if for one moment someone thinks that ‘MY’ way is THE only way to reduce the numbers of abortions, and if you do not follow THIS method then you are a baby-killer!!!

Let us remember that the Supreme Court did NOT in Roe vs. Wade decide that it is OK for an unborn to be destroyed………… IT IS NOT, rather it is;

410 U.S. 113 (1973), the Constitution of the United States
protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an
abortion without excessive government restriction.

If you are thinking this is semantics just to condone the destroying of an unborn, I simply ask you to look at this SCOTUS decision, and examine it! Would you agree that if a woman chooses NOT to abort then in this one woman you have STOPPED ABORTION for this one woman!!??

Now, if you and you and me work harder and harder on counseling consulting advising guiding a woman to not have an abortion, wouldn’t that reduce the numbers of abortions going on??

But Reda, this is what we have been trying to do for years, but look at the numbers of unborn being destroyed in our country!!??

I hope you can see from this here, that you and me are working towards the same goal, that goal being; to reduce the numbers of abortions around us. That you and me agree that taking away the woman’s right to abort is NOT the end all to the end all.

One can be for the legal right of a woman to choose, while at the same time work fervently to convince every woman not to choose to abort. As we all know for sure, abortions will not end because the law says ‘I forbid you from having an abortion.’

My Lord and my God, when you walked the Earth, You set an example for us all that we try to follow. I clearly remember when the disciples came to You, almost showing off, that they’ve stopped ‘others’ from doing the Lord’s work…. in Your name….. Why stopped them? Because they were ‘not one of us’; the disciples. You Lord, quickly showed them they were mistaken, and they should let ‘others’ do the Lord’s work. May Your followers on either side NOT adopt the ‘not one of us’ as a basis to dislike or even abhor the ‘others’. May Your Love Peace and Joy Lord prevail throughout! Amen.



(2.5 min read) A squirrel was sitting on its rear legs chomping in the yard, with its beautiful fury tail in that unique ‘S’ shape, and I was like “Awww look how cute it looks!” My wife smiled, agreed then reminded me that a squirrel is nothing but a rat with better PR  😀

If someone yells “Look …. rat”, the immediate reaction is; cringing with your shoulders raised and your face contorted with an ugly expression as if you just stepped into poop, Right?

Think of when you hear the word ‘Illegal Alien’ these days!? What is your reaction??

I am not here to ask you to react in a certain way, but hope you’d ask yourself “What is the PR that is causing me to react in this way?” Whichever side your reaction is!

The two sides are, in the most general way;

  • Someone that is here to harm, damage, hurt my society
  • Someone that is here to enhance, augment, enrich my society

Here is one thing for sure; regardless of why this ‘Illegal alien’ is here, that person wants to be here, wants to remain here for as long as they can, and most probably wants to become a ‘Legal Alien’.

Wait wait, a ‘Legal Alien’……………. There is no such thing. This is what we term a ‘Green Card’ holder or a ‘Permanent Resident’…………. How about a Citizen? Any of these are better than ‘Legal Alien’, right?

I myself am an immigrant. Although never was illegal, I did know several illegal aliens, or better referred to, from my perspective, as ‘undocumented’, it just carries a lot better PR than ‘Illegal Alien’  🙂  Each one of us can choose to use the word they prefer. But know that as each one of us picks the word, we are either associating, correlating, attaching, giving Good PR or Bad PR with the words one chooses. It is all about choice, ain’t it!

Whenever you hear them referred to as “they” ask yourself again, how am I reacting?? Then, ask yourself, why am I reacting this way?? If it is a positive reaction, ask yourself, is it justified? If it is a negative reaction, ask yourself, is it justified?

It is ALL about the PR each one of us gives to whatever the subject matter at hand. To whatever the subject matter at hand…… It is this PR that propagates.

Either way, it propagates.

My Lord and my Creator, I come to You asking for forgiveness for all the times I have given bad PR to subject matters I have weighed in on. In all humility I thank You for I know You ALWAYS forgive me. May this knowledge prompts me and encourages me to do better, to work harder on intentionally not exuding negative PR. As I know that no matter the subject matter at hand, You would want me to refrain and restrain from allowing any anger within me to taint the words I am expressing. Thank You for Your Forgiveness, Love and Mercy my father. Amen.



(3.5 min read) David was in the lobby after the worship service. He was feeling full of God’s spirit. During the service he was humbled that God gives him the opportunity to serve his fellow man. Thankful for the Lord’s ordinance to have plenty, David was grateful that he is able to give and give generously to those that are less fortunate.

David was very active in his faith community. His family was almost always at every communal gathering or worship opportunity. David, still in the lobby, was appreciative to serve on the leadership team of this place.

As he stood there, Ben approached him.

David with a great smile said; “Wasn’t this a great service Ben!”

Ben        “Indeed it was David”

David     “What’s on your mind my friend? You seem to have a heavy heart”

Ben        “The situation these days is just weird”

David     “I know I know. The people seem to be so very divided. Can you
believe this guy!?”

Ben        “I believe fully in my mind and in my heart that this man is out of his mind! The
claims that he is making are just absurd ridiculous ludicrous and bizarre”

David     “How could the people that support him look at us as if we are the ones that are
out of our minds!!”

Ben        “I hear you David, Loud and Clear. We are the ones that are correct and not just
because I say so, but if you follow the scriptures it is ever so clear that we are
indeed correct, yet somehow those people make me feel that I am the one
being persecuted for standing on the side of God!”

David     “Preach it Ben, the world has flipped over its head. The scriptures are certainly
undeniably and irrefutably clear indeed”

Overhearing the conversation, Jacob approached David and Ben and jumped in;

Jacob smiling said             “Hey guys. You’ve known me for a long time and I hear you”

Ben        “Wait, wait, is there a hesitation in your voice Jacob!? You know the

David     “Jacob, are you turning on us!!!???”

Jacob     “No, no I am not defecting guys, just wondering what does he mean when he
says that we’ve been interpreting the scriptures incorrectly!?”

Both Ben and David took two steps back distancing themselves from Jacob and almost as if rehearsed uttered together;

“Jacob, saying this is as good as abandoning us and joining them. This Jesus guy is fake and everything this Jesus guy utters is fake false deceitful fraudulent cunning and devious. What has happened to you Jacob!!?? You cannot be listening to anything this Jesus guy says…………… just block him out.”

The point of this blog is to demonstrate the the same set of data, the Old Testament, is used by one group to prove one thing and and the 2nd group uses the same set of data to prove the opposite of the 1st group.

My God and my Lord, I can just imagine living at these times when You walked the Earth. I honestly do not know if I would have been like Jacob or like Ben and David. I dearly want to say that I would have left my faith community and followed You Jesus, but I’d be lying if I said that I for sure would have done that. The information in the Temple courts would have been irrefutable indisputable and overwhelming against You my Jesus; Tremendously overwhelming. The evidence presented is so overwhelming that to this present day, the evidence mounted in the Jewish faith, against You Jesus, makes You in their view, to this day, a ‘False Prophet’. I am on my knees humbly requesting from You my Lord that you be with every person in this nation right now. Each side’s evidence proves in this divided nation, that, whichever side that is, ‘I AM’ on the correct side. I kneel and request that Your spirit permeates through each person, yes each person in this nation. And may Your Peace erode any and all hate that is building up within. I ask this for each person in this nation my God and Creator. May the division be erased and replaced with unity. It is a tall order I know my Lord but You are able and able indeed.  I love You and I thank You. Amen.

vote for me!


(4 min read) So I’ve decided to run for President. Not of the United States, for it is not possible for an immigrant, but as President of my self  😀  Hope you are laughing or at least smiling. On a more serious note, I’ve been racking my brain agonizing over why are we so so so divided here in America amidst a pandemic that could be the cause of UNITY to fight together against an invader??

Then it dawned on me.

Such DIVISION builds over time, right?

“Dah, Reda, what’s new about that??”     Literally, nothing is new here. Rather an application of the question; “How am I contributing to the DIVISION?” And here’s the revelation expose admission; at least to me, and I ask, pray and hope that this right here would encourage you to join me in asking the same question. “How am I contributing?”

Presently, we have tons of contests offered; Contests of pictures drawn by our kids, contests of best dress, contests of non-profits, contests of best singer and so on. There is a prize for the winner. And how does one win? By people voting on your social media of choice.

So far I believe we should all be 100% in agreement that such contests are all around us.

How does it work? I am indeed a contributor to this. One rallies ALL their friends and friend’s friends to;


Do I ever check out other “drawings” “dresses” “non-profits” before casting a vote?

I can only answer for myself…………. Nope   Never   Not-In-a-Million-Years   EVER……


Because my friend asked me to vote for them!!

Why did I not check out the OTHER contestants???

Again, “My” friend asked me to vote for them so “My” friend can WIN the PRIZE…………………….

Therefore, my vote, at least for me, is not about “Which one is the Best to Choose”  RATHER

“My” Vote is for “My” friend to WIN

That’s it.

I am not using “My” vote to practice CHOICE of what’s BEST,

rather I am using “My” vote to practice ALLEGIANCE………….

This is an Aha moment for me. Maybe it is for you too.

First, a question; Do I want to contribute myself, my vote, my choice to “What is Best?”

I hope you agree that our entire existence our entire humanity our entire civilization and just simply our character is built on choosing what is BEST!!

So I encourage those voting, and I speak to myself in the same breath, to not cast a vote unless I have reviewed all the drawings. Then vote for what you’ve decided is the BEST drawing.

But what about my friend winning!?!?!?

See, I struggle with the same thing…………….

So the question I have to dwell on, battle and struggle with is;

Do I vote with my pack, whichever pack it is!?

Or examine and decide for myself?

My culture has built me over time to vote for ALLEGIANCE not for CHOICE. I ask of ALL of us to work on changing our culture so that we continue to better ourselves as the people of the USA.

I will stop voting on social media for “My” friend’s drawing, or “My” five times removed friend’s drawing unless I truly find it to be the best among all other drawings. Yes, this means my friend may not WIN the prize, but AGAIN my culture is cornering me and trapping me into feeling guilty for NOT voting for my friend…………. But that’s exactly what needs to be changed so that;

My vote is for what I CHOOSE to be BEST and not just an ALLEGIANCE vote.

Our present culture continues to guide us into “Choosing for ‘My’ friend to WIN” and pushing us away from “Choosing for what’s BEST at hand”……………

Let’s Fight IT            Fight IT           Fight IT

For DIVISION is all about creating PACKS while

UNITY is for breaking down walls between PACKS

My Lord and my Father, You stress ever so heavily on Your creation being fair just impartial unbiased objective and detached from favoritism………………… ALLEGIANCE is simply ANTI any of these adjectives. Oh help me God be as You desire for me to be. I know I know, that’s such a tall order, as I fail You constantly, but may Your presence in my life remind me moment by moment by moment that You desire for me to be fair just impartial unbiased objective and detached from favoritism. I love You and Thank You my Lord. Amen.

right of way!


(3 min read) At a pedestrian crossing, the sign said “Stop for Pedestrians”. As Kerry approached with her car, she noticed two pedestrians approaching the cross walk. Kerry stopped. The two pedestrians, conversing together, entered the crosswalk.  Took a few steps then stopped facing each other talking and giggling. Kerry, of coursed shocked that they’ve blocked her path, decided to wait it out. They did not move.

Kerry lowered her window and said; “Clear the path”.

The answer was; “We have the Right-Of-Way”.

Please note I did not inference any tones of voice or attitudes in the statements above.

Who’s right!?

Having the right to do something does not mean it is the right thing to do.

This statement above shows my personal opinion on the matter, correct? But please note that there is an admission in this statement that they indeed have the right of way. It is how they used their right of way that I have an issue with.

I hope we all agree that the pedestrians ‘should not have done so’.

This is when division within my people, and let me be clear, the American people from every creed, color and persuasion are ‘My People’, can start positioning themselves on either side of this with comments/thoughts like;

  • Kerry of course had the right
  • Of course they have the right
  • They were distracted, Kerry should not shout at them
  • Kerry should have moved her car scaring them out of the way
  • I can’t believe she waited that long
  • They said it with a soft voice indicating they’ll move

We, the people, can debate “who has the right to do what” until we are blue in the face with each side convinced that they are fully on the ‘Right’ side.

Let’s get away from debating if someone has the “Right to do something” like we are lawyers in a court room trying to convince the jury to be on “MY” side!

We, the people, are the JURY! Not the lawyers

So let us not use our words and actions to stoke division. With all due respect to lawyers, their job is to create reasonable doubt. How do you think that happens!?

All division needs is reasonable doubt to keep two sides apart.

A hung jury leads to a mistrial, and the person walks away free. But did you know that the law says a mistrial does not declare the person innocent!! A mistrial indicates that the person is neither guilty nor innocent………..

Should we be the kind of person that cares if one is innocent or guilty!?

Or; as long as the person walks free, then who cares!?

Again, hope we all want ourselves to be the kind of person that acts as, “having the right to do something does not mean it is the right thing to do”.

This statement goes both ways, in both directions to all different sides!

We’ll never ALL agree but in our disagreement let us promote unity and not division.

My Lord and my God, thank You for being the epitome of unity with love as Your instrument for unity. Oh how often You disagree, better yet, completely disapprove of what I do. Yet You love me and hold me up through it all. Why? So I come back and unite with You. May I work oh so very hard to imitate what You do, and yes it will take more strength than what I have, but may Your strength equip me to be able. Thank You my Father. Amen.