take joy

(2.5 min read) Yes, take joy! In what? When half of the country is sad and the other half is jubilant! Take joy in what?

That is the point my friend, for it is in this moment that both halves do have something in common, something so closely in common to unite the two halves. What is that you ask?

We ALL showed up and voted. MORE THAN EVER BEFORE.

You and I can be at the ball park cheering for opposing teams;

I would be madly frustrated if my team is trailing. Then you become equally deeply infuriated if your team is trailing. If your team wins, you will be jubilant and I will be very sad. But we walk out of the ball park together side by side. I do not despise you loathe you or hate you.

“Man, I cannot believe we won”, you’d say, “It was such a close game.”

And I respond, “It was a close and good game indeed.” I am not happy saying it as my team lost, but I am in no way shape or form mad at you.

In this present stadium, half are dressed in Red and the other half dressed in Blue. It seems right now that, ‘In this Stadium’ the Blue team is projected the winner.

So, why don’t we walk out of the stadium, of course still half of us jubilant and half of us sad, but let us agree that in this contest that we just witnessed that ………………

                            America won…………… How is that??

Be proud of your sisters and brothers showing up at the stadium in record numbers for BOTH sides.

We ALL need to be very proud honored pleased with the turn out for this contest, on BOTH sides.

Some will be joyful in the outcome. Some will have sorrow in the outcome but the prayer is that we take solace in the fact that We ALL Americans showed up on BOTH sides and the contest was ever so close. But as for all contests, one wins and one loses.

Remember;  Record numbers showed up on BOTH sides.
This is indeed something to
                                STOPTAKE NOTE OFAnd celebrate
                                                Regardless of who won

You know what else we do…….. we take off our Blue and Red jerseys

My God and my Lord, we know that one can have jubilance or sorrow in earthly matters, and although it may seem as if this stuff is a matter of life and death, we do know very well that it is earthly matters, and therefore I ask that our hope in You is the only thing that matters. And may each one of us treat our sisters and bothers of America in the ways You desire for us ALL to treat one another. I thank You and love You my Creator. Amen.

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