the unborn

(4 min read) Calling for an end to abortion! Let’s be honest, is this not the goal?? To champion the unborn life. Defend the unborn as the unborn is frail vulnerable feeble and helpless.

Every word listed up here is true valiant noble and heroic. Yes, it is.

How one goes about the application of above statement varies quite vividly.

Did you know that abortion had to be illegal before it became legal???

When did the law in the United States of America illegalize abortion?

USA census in 1870 population roughly 38.6 Million (38,555, 983)

USA Census in 1880 population roughly 50.2 Million (50,189, 209)

Wow, grew by 30% in 10 years. That many babies born!? No, immigration.

In 1870 abortion was and has been happening as it was not illegal.

By 1880 abortion was illegal.

How did you know Reda that abortion was happening in 1870???

Come on now, do you think 38 States by 1880, one by one ruled abortion illegal because there was no abortion happening???

Or do you think there was enough abortion happening that drove State by State to illegalize abortion???

How many unborn were killed Reda in 1880??

No one really knows how many unborn were destroyed, other than estimates of course.

Whether it is how many abortions in the mid 1800’s or before, when abortion was not illegal, or how many abortions when abortion became illegal in all 38 States by 1880,  or the CDC figures that has been tabulated since the late 1960’s or the figures published by independent sources in 2020………

It is all figures of the death of an unborn.

Abortion is; the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.

What’s the point here Reda???

Jesus tended to answer a question with a question quite frequently. So to follow His example;

Are you really calling for an END to abortion??
Or are you calling for means to reduce the numbers of abortions??

I myself will ALWAYS work at means methods ways approaches to reduce the numbers of abortion. Yes indeed, there are MANY ways to reduce the numbers of abortions. For example, even with abortion being legal, how many programs are out there, how many counselors are out there, how many you name it are out there, to educate guide advice counsel a woman ready to have an abortion that she should seriously consider NOT to have that abortion?? How many??

Aren’t every one of these acts; championing the life of the unborn??

But ways and means vary, and if for one moment someone thinks that ‘MY’ way is THE only way to reduce the numbers of abortions, and if you do not follow THIS method then you are a baby-killer!!!

Let us remember that the Supreme Court did NOT in Roe vs. Wade decide that it is OK for an unborn to be destroyed………… IT IS NOT, rather it is;

410 U.S. 113 (1973), the Constitution of the United States
protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an
abortion without excessive government restriction.

If you are thinking this is semantics just to condone the destroying of an unborn, I simply ask you to look at this SCOTUS decision, and examine it! Would you agree that if a woman chooses NOT to abort then in this one woman you have STOPPED ABORTION for this one woman!!??

Now, if you and you and me work harder and harder on counseling consulting advising guiding a woman to not have an abortion, wouldn’t that reduce the numbers of abortions going on??

But Reda, this is what we have been trying to do for years, but look at the numbers of unborn being destroyed in our country!!??

I hope you can see from this here, that you and me are working towards the same goal, that goal being; to reduce the numbers of abortions around us. That you and me agree that taking away the woman’s right to abort is NOT the end all to the end all.

One can be for the legal right of a woman to choose, while at the same time work fervently to convince every woman not to choose to abort. As we all know for sure, abortions will not end because the law says ‘I forbid you from having an abortion.’

My Lord and my God, when you walked the Earth, You set an example for us all that we try to follow. I clearly remember when the disciples came to You, almost showing off, that they’ve stopped ‘others’ from doing the Lord’s work…. in Your name….. Why stopped them? Because they were ‘not one of us’; the disciples. You Lord, quickly showed them they were mistaken, and they should let ‘others’ do the Lord’s work. May Your followers on either side NOT adopt the ‘not one of us’ as a basis to dislike or even abhor the ‘others’. May Your Love Peace and Joy Lord prevail throughout! Amen.

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