

(2.5 min read) A squirrel was sitting on its rear legs chomping in the yard, with its beautiful fury tail in that unique ‘S’ shape, and I was like “Awww look how cute it looks!” My wife smiled, agreed then reminded me that a squirrel is nothing but a rat with better PR  😀

If someone yells “Look …. rat”, the immediate reaction is; cringing with your shoulders raised and your face contorted with an ugly expression as if you just stepped into poop, Right?

Think of when you hear the word ‘Illegal Alien’ these days!? What is your reaction??

I am not here to ask you to react in a certain way, but hope you’d ask yourself “What is the PR that is causing me to react in this way?” Whichever side your reaction is!

The two sides are, in the most general way;

  • Someone that is here to harm, damage, hurt my society
  • Someone that is here to enhance, augment, enrich my society

Here is one thing for sure; regardless of why this ‘Illegal alien’ is here, that person wants to be here, wants to remain here for as long as they can, and most probably wants to become a ‘Legal Alien’.

Wait wait, a ‘Legal Alien’……………. There is no such thing. This is what we term a ‘Green Card’ holder or a ‘Permanent Resident’…………. How about a Citizen? Any of these are better than ‘Legal Alien’, right?

I myself am an immigrant. Although never was illegal, I did know several illegal aliens, or better referred to, from my perspective, as ‘undocumented’, it just carries a lot better PR than ‘Illegal Alien’  🙂  Each one of us can choose to use the word they prefer. But know that as each one of us picks the word, we are either associating, correlating, attaching, giving Good PR or Bad PR with the words one chooses. It is all about choice, ain’t it!

Whenever you hear them referred to as “they” ask yourself again, how am I reacting?? Then, ask yourself, why am I reacting this way?? If it is a positive reaction, ask yourself, is it justified? If it is a negative reaction, ask yourself, is it justified?

It is ALL about the PR each one of us gives to whatever the subject matter at hand. To whatever the subject matter at hand…… It is this PR that propagates.

Either way, it propagates.

My Lord and my Creator, I come to You asking for forgiveness for all the times I have given bad PR to subject matters I have weighed in on. In all humility I thank You for I know You ALWAYS forgive me. May this knowledge prompts me and encourages me to do better, to work harder on intentionally not exuding negative PR. As I know that no matter the subject matter at hand, You would want me to refrain and restrain from allowing any anger within me to taint the words I am expressing. Thank You for Your Forgiveness, Love and Mercy my father. Amen.

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